Tacuinum Sanitatis

f. 97r, Sleep


Sleep. Its nature consists of immobilising the senses, giving heat and hydrating, albeit moderately. Optimum: sleep eight hours between the first and last hours of the night. Benefit: to restore the senses, the body and to digest food. Harm: if very long, it stimulates the body and destroys the qualities, particularly when the stomach is empty. Remedy for harm: with wet foodstuffs. Most advisable for the phlegmatic; according to others, for the melancholy, and is best for the elderly, in any season and in any region.

Sompnus natura immobilitas sensus calefacit et humectat sed temperatus Electio dormire pro horis inter primas et vltimas noctis Iuuamentum ad reconficiendum sensus et corpus in digerendum cibum Nocumentum si fuerit multum longus excitat corpus et resoluit uirtutes et maxime stomacho vacuo existente Remotio nocumenti cum cibis humectantibus Conuenit magis flegmaticis alias melencolicis et melius decrepitis omni tempore omni regioni.

f. 97r, Sueño


f. 97r, Sleep

Sleep. Its nature consists of immobilising the senses, giving heat and hydrating, albeit moderately. Optimum: sleep eight hours between the first and last hours of the night. Benefit: to restore the senses, the body and to digest food. Harm: if very long, it stimulates the body and destroys the qualities, particularly when the stomach is empty. Remedy for harm: with wet foodstuffs. Most advisable for the phlegmatic; according to others, for the melancholy, and is best for the elderly, in any season and in any region.

Sompnus natura immobilitas sensus calefacit et humectat sed temperatus Electio dormire pro horis inter primas et vltimas noctis Iuuamentum ad reconficiendum sensus et corpus in digerendum cibum Nocumentum si fuerit multum longus excitat corpus et resoluit uirtutes et maxime stomacho vacuo existente Remotio nocumenti cum cibis humectantibus Conuenit magis flegmaticis alias melencolicis et melius decrepitis omni tempore omni regioni.

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