Dioskurides von Cibo und Mattioli

Protective leather case


The protective case of Mattioli’s Dioscorides illustrated by Cibo has been designed exclusively for this codex. Its elegant design, in line with the decoration of the covers, enhances the value of the manuscript it preciously protects.

It has also been designed to be used as a display case, in order to show the codex in a comfortable and distinguished way.

Estuche protector en piel


Protective leather case

The protective case of Mattioli’s Dioscorides illustrated by Cibo has been designed exclusively for this codex. Its elegant design, in line with the decoration of the covers, enhances the value of the manuscript it preciously protects.

It has also been designed to be used as a display case, in order to show the codex in a comfortable and distinguished way.


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