The Apocalypse of 1313

Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313

Signed and dated in 1313 by its illuminator, Colin Chadelve, this Apocalypse is a unique creation apparently designed to cater for its patron's demanding requirements. The images in this manuscript are extraordinary in terms of both their abundance and the quality of their pictorial technique. This codex features the longest iconographic cycle of the Book of Revelation of the entire Middle Ages.

The radiant colours, contrasting gold hues and lavish illustrations of the Apocalypse and Hell also transform this codex into a unique treasure.

Today's privileged readers can observe the merciless punishments meted out to the damned in Hell thanks to the wealth of details in the artist's representations of the most horrific and surprising tortures.

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The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Folios 26v-27 The locusts led by Abbadon (Revelation 9: 8-12)

+ 7

The Apocalypse of 1313 Folios 35v-36 A great battle in heaven (Rev. 12: 7-12a)
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
The Apocalypse of 1313 Unveil the radiant illustrations of the Apocalypse 1313
118.49 $


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Signed and dated in 1313 by its illuminator, Colin Chadelve, this Apocalypse is a unique creation apparently designed to cater for its patron's demanding requirements. The images in this manuscript are extraordinary in terms of both their abundance and the quality of their pictorial technique. This codex features the longest iconographic cycle of the Book of Revelation of the entire Middle Ages.

The radiant colours, contrasting gold hues and lavish illustrations of the Apocalypse and Hell also transform this codex into a unique treasure.

Today's privileged readers can observe the merciless punishments meted out to the damned in Hell thanks to the wealth of details in the artist's representations of the most horrific and surprising tortures.


Size: 220 x 330 mm
Pages: 280
Illustrations: 180 full-colour
Language: Spanish (English/French: Out of stock)
ISBN: 978-84-96400-20-7


From the editor to the reader

The Apocalypse of 1313

Presentation of the manuscript
Marie-Thérèse Gousset (Ingénieur de recherche, Centre de Recherche sur les Manuscrits Enluminés, BnF)

Colins Chadewe “ordinat” and “enluminat” the manuscript
Marie-Thérèse Gousset

An innovative series of paintings: the teaching of images combining the old and the new
Marie-Thérèse Gousset

“The Hell of Trades” in the Apocalypse of 1313
Marianne Besseyre (Conservateur, Centre de Recherche sur les Manuscrits Enluminés, BnF)

Commentaries on the paintings
Marianne Besseyre
Marie-Thérèse Gousset

The commentary and its author and translator
Marie-Thérèse Gousset




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