Folder of 5 folios from the Book of Simple Medicines (15th C)    

Folio 131v, Blue-grey hellebore, Green spurge, Danewort, Rocket


Blue-grey hellebore (Eleborus): Blue-grey hellebore purges phlegm. For arthritis and gout of the foot, oxymel is used, prepared by filling the roots of fennel and radish with blue-grey hellebore and leaving them for thirty or forty days before soaking them in vinegar and mixing with honey.

Green spurge (Esula): Plant with highly medicinal roots. To remedy daily fever, take three drams of green spurge mixed with cinnamon, fennel, aniseed and mastic.

Danewort (Ebulus): Tree whose roots, bark and shoots are often used in medicine. A bath of saltwater in which danewort has been cooked is a remedy for arthritis and anasarca water retention.

Rocket (Eruca): Can consume and increase lust. To incite lust, make a poultice of ground rocket seed and wine and honey, and apply to the kidneys.

Folio 131v, Eléboro blanco, Lechetrezna, Yezgo, Oruga


Folio 131v, Blue-grey hellebore, Green spurge, Danewort, Rocket

Blue-grey hellebore (Eleborus): Blue-grey hellebore purges phlegm. For arthritis and gout of the foot, oxymel is used, prepared by filling the roots of fennel and radish with blue-grey hellebore and leaving them for thirty or forty days before soaking them in vinegar and mixing with honey.

Green spurge (Esula): Plant with highly medicinal roots. To remedy daily fever, take three drams of green spurge mixed with cinnamon, fennel, aniseed and mastic.

Danewort (Ebulus): Tree whose roots, bark and shoots are often used in medicine. A bath of saltwater in which danewort has been cooked is a remedy for arthritis and anasarca water retention.

Rocket (Eruca): Can consume and increase lust. To incite lust, make a poultice of ground rocket seed and wine and honey, and apply to the kidneys.

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