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Format: 210 x 300 mm
Seiten: 432
Illustrationen: 352
Sprachen: Englisch
ISBN: 978-84-96400-15-3
From the editor to the reader
The social aspects and production of books of hours in late fifteenth-century Flanders
The Hours of Joanna of Castile: A regal masterpiece created by two ateliers
Iconographic analysis
Carlos Miranda García-Tejedor (Doctor in History)
Format: 210 x 300 mm
Seiten: 432
Illustrationen: 352
Sprachen: Englisch
ISBN: 978-84-96400-15-3
From the editor to the reader
The social aspects and production of books of hours in late fifteenth-century Flanders
The Hours of Joanna of Castile: A regal masterpiece created by two ateliers
Iconographic analysis
Carlos Miranda García-Tejedor (Doctor in History)
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